
Cómo Llenar el Formulario de Inmigración I-130 para un Miembro de la Familia

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    Llenar un Formulario de Inmigración I-130 para patrocinar la inmigración de un familiar inmediato a los Estados Unidos puede ser un proceso complejo. La falta de presentar siquiera un solo documento necesario podría significar largas demoras en el procesamiento de su solicitud I-130, lo que puede resultar en demoras adicionales para la residencia de su familiar.

    Para respaldar su solicitud de visa de inmigrante y establecer su relación con su familiar inmediato (cónyuge, hijos  de Residentes y Ciudadanos Americanos y padres y hermanos de Ciudadanos de EE.UU. )  se deben presentar numerosos documentos al Servicio de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de los Estados Unidos (USCIS). Los tipos de documentos que se requieren dependerán del miembro de la familia que se esté solicitando. Por lo tanto, es fundamental que envíe los documentos correctos y adecuados para el caso, y no toda la documentación que usted piense que puede recopilar.

    Si necesita ayuda para completar el Formulario de inmigración I-130 para su familiar elegible, nuestros abogados de inmigración por familia pueden ayudarlo a reunir la documentación necesaria y completar su solicitud correctamente para que el proceso sea exitoso sin demoras innecesarias. Comuníquese hoy con FitzGerald Law Company al (617) 303-2600 para una evaluación de su caso o llene la solicitud de cita en línea.

    ¿Cómo Completo el Formulario de Inmigración I-130?

    Presentar el Formulario I-130 para patrocinar a un familiar inmediato para inmigrar a los Estados Unidos requiere que una persona complete numerosos pasos, que incluyen completar la solicitud, el Formulario I-130 o, en algunos casos, varias solicitudes, el Formulario I-130 y el Formulario I-130A, preparar documentos de respaldo para probar el estado del individuo como Residente Permanente Legal o Ciudadano de los EE. UU.,  documentos que prueben la relación o vínculo familiar, y presentar la petición en el Centro u Oficina de Servicio de USCIS correspondiente. Es sumamente importante presentar la documentación requerida de soporte para cada solicitud, ya que la presentación de los documentos correctos y más apropiados con la petición inicial ayudará a evitar Solicitudes de Evidencia Adicional de USCIS que podrían retrasar la solicitud de su familiar.

    ¿Qué Documentos Necesito para Demostrar que Soy Ciudadano Estadounidense o Residente Permanente Legal?

    Se pueden presentar varias formas de documentación para demostrar que usted es ciudadano de los Estados Unidos:

    • Una copia de su certificado de nacimiento, si nació en los EE. UU. o sus territorios (generalmente, el nacimiento en los Estados Unidos otorgará la ciudadanía individual, con pocas excepciones)
    • Una copia de su Certificado de Naturalización o Certificado de Ciudadanía
    • Una copia del Formulario FS-240, Informe Consular de Nacimiento en el Extranjero de un Ciudadano Estadounidense
    • Una copia de su pasaporte estadounidense vigente
    • Una declaración original de un oficial consular de los Estados Unidos que verifique que usted es un ciudadano de los Estados Unidos con un pasaporte válido

    Si es residente permanente legal, se pueden presentar varias formas de documentación para demostrar su estatus:

    • Una copia de su Tarjeta de Residente Extranjero actual y vigente o “Green Card”
    • Una copia de una Orden de la Corte de Inmigración que otorga el estatus de Residente Permanente Legal
    • Una copia de su pasaporte actual con un sello I-551 vigente
    • Una copia de su Tarjeta de Residente Extranjero vencida con un Formulario I-797, Aviso de Extensión de Estatus
    • Una copia de su Tarjeta de Residente Extranjero vencida con un sello de extensión de un Centro de Soporte de Solicitudes de USCIS

    Nuestros abogados de inmigración familiar pueden ayudarlo a evaluar la elegibilidad de su familiar y asegurarse de que presente la documentación apropiada para establecer su estatus legal a fin de respaldar una Petición de visa de inmigrante I-130 para un miembro elegible de su familia.

    ¿Qué Documentos Necesito para Probar mi Relación Familiar?

    Los siguientes documentos generalmente se necesitan para probar cada relación familiar elegile para una Petición de Visa de Inmigrante I-130:

    Una Esposa o Esposo

    Si la solicitud I-130 es para un cónyuge, usted debe proporcionar el siguiente tipo de registros para probar su relación matrimonial:

    • Una copia de su Certificado de Matrimonio actual
    • Una copia de Actas de Divorcio o Sentencias de Anulación, terminando cualquier matrimonio anterior para cualquiera de los cónyuges
    • Una copia de los certificados de defunción de cualquier cónyuge anterior

    Además de la documentación requerida mencionada anteriormente, se le recomienda presentar uno o más de los siguientes tipos de documentación que pueden probar que usted tiene un matrimonio de buena fe:

    • Copia de extractos bancarios de una Cuenta Conjunta (una cuenta a nombre de ambos cónyuges) que tiene “depósito directo” de todos los empleadores suyos y de su cónyuge y depósitos de todas las fuentes de ingresos del matrimonio.
    • Copia de Escrituras de Propiedad que muestre que son co-propietarios
    • Copia de un contrato de arrendamiento residencial a nombre de ambos cónyuges
    • Copia de registros de pólizas de seguro conjuntas, en particular seguro de salud, seguro de automóvil, seguro dental y seguro de propiedad (generalmente, las pólizas de seguro de vida no son pruebas sólidas que respalden un matrimonio)
    • Copia de los registros de los empleadores que indiquen el estado civil y el nombre del cónyuge
    • Copia de registros de escuelas o universidades que indiquen el estado civil y el nombre del cónyuge
    • Copia de actas de nacimiento de los hijos de ambos cónyuges
    • Copia de los registros escolares de los hijos de ambos cónyuges
    • Copia de documentos certificados de un proceso judicial que registre la relación matrimonial
    • Copia de fotografías de pareja conyugal con familiares y amigos durante feriados, vacaciones o eventos especiales
    • Declaraciones juradas o afirmadas por terceros que tengan conocimiento personal de la buena fe de la relación matrimonial, en caso de que no se pueda acceder a otras pruebas sólidas de la relación.
    • Cualquier otra documentación relevante para establecer que existe una unión marital en curso

    Fundamentalmente, la documentación que se presente debe mostrar evidencia clara y convincente de que usted y su cónyuge contrajeron matrimonio de buena fe y no con fines migratorios.


    Si usted es un padre que presenta la solicitud I-130 para un hijo/a, existen documentos primarios que establecen la relación padre/madre e hijo y, si no están disponibles, existen formas secundarias de evidencia para probar su relación padre/madre e hijo. Si está disponible, debe proporcionar el siguiente tipo de registros:

    • Una copia del certificado de nacimiento de su hijo que lo incluya como padre o madre, registrado en el momento del nacimiento de su hijo/a, como prueba principal
    • Una copia del certificado de bautismo de su hijo/a u otros certificados religiosos o de la iglesia que lo incluyan a usted como padre o madre, registrados en el momento del nacimiento de su hijo, como prueba principal
    • Una copia del Certificado de adopción de su hijo/a que lo incluya como padre o madre, con evidencia de que su hijo ha residido con usted durante 2 años, como evidencia principal
    • Una copia de los registros escolares de su hijo que lo incluyan a usted como padre o madre, registrado cerca del momento del nacimiento de su hijo/a, como evidencia secundaria
    • Una copia del examen de ADN que lo identifique como padre puede ser una forma aceptable de evidencia secundaria en ciertas situaciones
    • Declaraciones juradas o afirmadas por terceros que tengan conocimiento personal de la relación padre/hijo, como prueba secundaria

    Si usted es el padre de un niño y no estuvo casado con la madre de su hijo (o viceversa), es posible que deba proporcionar evidencia adicional para establecer la relación:

    • Copia de los registros financieros que establezcan que el padre estaba manteniendo al niño, como evidencia secundaria
    • Copia de documentos judiciales certificados de procedimientos que establezcan la relación del padre/madre con el hijo, como evidencia secundaria
    • Declaraciones juradas o afirmadas por terceros que tengan conocimiento personal de la relación padre/madre e hijo, como evidencia secundaria
    • Cualquier otra documentación relevante para establecer esa relación entre el padre/madre e hijo, como prueba secundaria


    Si usted es un hijo que presenta la solicitud I-130 para un padre o madre, existen documentos primarios que establecen la relación padre/madre e hijo y, si no están disponibles, existen formas secundarias de evidencia para probar su relación padre/madre e hijo. Si está disponible, debe proporcionar el siguiente tipo de registros:

    • Una copia de su certificado de nacimiento que registra a su madre/padre, en el momento de su nacimiento, como prueba principal
    • Una copia de su certificado de bautismo u otros certificados religiosos o de la iglesia que registran a su madre/padre en el momento de su nacimiento, como prueba principal
    • Una copia de su Certificado de Adopción que registra a su madre/padre como con evidencia de que usted residió con ellos, como evidencia principal
    • Una copia de sus records escolares que registran a su madre/padre cerca del momento de su nacimiento, como evidencia secundaria
    • Una copia de un examen de ADN que lo identifique como hijo de uno de sus padres puede ser una forma aceptable de evidencia secundaria en ciertas situaciones.
    • Declaraciones juradas o afirmadas por terceros que tengan conocimiento personal de la relación del padre/madre e hijo


    Si está presentando la solicitud I-130 para un hermano/hermana nacido de uno de sus padres o padrastros (existe una relación de “padrastro” o “madrastra” si usted tenía menos de 18 años cuando su padre/madre se casó con el padrastro/madrastra), hay documentos primarios que establecen la relación entre hermanos y, si no están disponibles, existen formas secundarias de evidencia para probar su relación entre hermanos. Si está disponible, debe proporcionar el siguiente tipo de registros:

    • Una copia de su certificado de nacimiento que registre a la madre o el padre de su hermano en el momento de su nacimiento, como prueba principal
    • Una copia del Acta de Nacimiento de su hermano/a que registre a su madre o padre como el padre de su hermano/a, en el momento del nacimiento de su hermano/a, como prueba principal
    • Una copia de su certificado de bautismo u otros certificados religiosos o de la iglesia que registren que la madre o el padre de su hermano son sus padres, en el momento de su nacimiento, como prueba principal
    • Una copia del certificado de bautismo de su hermano/a u otros certificados religiosos o de la iglesia que registren que su madre o su padre son los padres de su hermano/a, en el momento del nacimiento de su hermano/a, como prueba principal
    • Una copia de su Certificado de adopción que indique que la madre o el padre de su hermano/a es también el suyo, con evidencia de que residieron juntos, como evidencia principal
    • Una copia del Certificado de adopción de su hermano/a que indique que su madre o su padre son los padres de su hermano, con evidencia de que su hermano residía con ellos, como evidencia principal
    • Una copia de sus registros escolares que incluyan a la madre o al padre de su hermano/a, como los mismos suyos, registrados cerca del momento de su nacimiento, como evidencia secundaria
    • Una copia de los registros escolares de su hermano que incluyan a su madre o padre como padres de su hermano, registrados cerca del momento del nacimiento de su hermano/a, como evidencia secundaria
    • Una copia del examen de ADN que lo identifique a usted y a su hermano/a como hijos del mismo padre/madre puede ser una forma aceptable de evidencia secundaria en ciertas situaciones.
    • Declaraciones juradas o afirmadas por terceros que tengan conocimiento personal de la relación padre/hijo de usted y su hermano/a con un padre común, como evidencia secundaria

    ¿Qué Pasa si un Documento Oficial no está Disponible?

    Si un documento principal u oficial no está disponible, es posible que deba presentar declaraciones de las autoridades civiles correspondientes que certifiquen que el documento o los documentos no están disponibles en algunas situaciones. Es posible que también deba presentar evidencia secundaria, que puede incluir uno o más de los siguientes registros que se enumeran a continuación:

    Registros Religiosos

    Una copia de un documento que lleve el sello de una organización religiosa que demuestre que un servicio, como un bautismo, una dedicación o un rito similar, que ocurra dentro de los dos meses posteriores al nacimiento, puede usarse como evidencia secundaria. El documento debe incluir la fecha y el lugar de nacimiento del niño, la fecha y el lugar de la ceremonia religiosa, los nombres de los padres del niño/a y el nombre y cargo del oficiante.

    Expediente Educativo

    Los registros escolares que contengan información como la fecha de admisión a la escuela, la fecha de nacimiento del niño/a o la edad en el momento de la admisión, el lugar de nacimiento del niño/a y los nombres de los padres del niño/a, pueden presentarse para respaldar su petición I-130, como evidencia secundaria de una relación.

    Registros del Censo

    Los registros del censo estatal o federal que muestren los nombres, el lugar de nacimiento, la fecha de nacimiento o la edad de la persona mencionada también se pueden usar como evidencia secundaria para probar sus afirmaciones.

    Declaraciones Escritas

    En una situación en la que la documentación de una relación no esté accesible o disponible, puede presentarse declaraciones escritas firmadas bajo juramento por personas que tengan conocimiento personal de la relación que se está tratando de probar.

    Cada declaración escrita o declaración jurada debe contener la siguiente información:

    • Nombre completo y dirección de la persona que firma la declaración
    • Fecha y lugar de nacimiento de la persona que firma la declaración
    • Información detallada de los hechos observados por la persona que demuestran la relación familiar
    • Detalles completos que explican cómo el individuo adquirió conocimiento personal del evento
    • Una declaración hecha bajo pena de perjurio bajo las leyes de los Estados Unidos de que lo anterior es verdadero y correcto

    Nuestros abogados de inmigración para familias pueden ayudarlo a evaluar la evidencia primaria y secundaria para su solicitud I-130 para garantizar que se envíen los materiales más apropiados a USCIS.

    ¿Qué Pasa si mi Nombre ha Cambiado?

    Si usted o la persona para la que esta presentando esta solicitud utilizan un nombre que no coincide con el nombre que se muestra en los documentos pertinentes, debe presentar su petición con copias de los documentos legales que reflejen el cambio de nombre. Esto puede incluir un certificado de matrimonio, un decreto de adopción u órdenes judiciales. Nuestros abogados de inmigración familiar pueden ayudarlo a evaluar los documentos que probablemente se requieran para su solicitud I-130 y prevenir demoras innecesarias.

    Nuestros Abogados de Inmigración a Través de Familia Pueden Ayudar

    Si actualmente está completando un Formulario de Inmigración I-130 y necesita ayuda, nuestros abogados de inmigración para familias pueden ayudarlo brindándole una evaluación de su caso, inclusive revisando aplicaciones previas rechazadas o negadas y con la preparación de la Petición de visa de inmigrante para su familiar por parte de usted. Llame a FitzGerald Law Company hoy al (617) 303-2600 para programar un consulta o solicite su cita en línea.

    Client Reviews and Testimonials

    See all reviews or organize them by website!

    Will be recommending FLC to our friends!

    We had a great experience with FitzGerald Law Company while applying for a permanent resident card. Attorney Desmond was knowledgeable and helpful throughout the confusing immigration process! Our legal assistant, Angie, was wonderful - very friendly, great communication and efficient. Will be recommending FLC to our friends!

    Jayne Procopio

    I will recommend them to my friends and family

    Excellent lawyers they do a great job i will recommend them to my friends and family they are very helpful they are always there to answer all your questions and concerns.

    Gerson Lemus

    They were attentive and helpful

    Zrinka and the team were fantastic, thoroughly the whole of the (very long) process they were attentive and helpful, and made the whole thing as smooth and painless as possible.

    Laurence Wilson

    I will forever be grateful for your service

    I used Fitzgerald Law Company for my complicated case . I personally worked with Attorney Desmond and Mrs. Zrinka. I must say that Desmond is very professional and caring. He knows the system and pays attention to all the details. The entire team is very knowledgeable, respectful and reliable. Thank you Desmond and Mrs. Zrinka for tirelessly working with me to the end. Through your support and dedication, I was granted the privilege of a green card. I will forever be grateful for your service and I pray that the Almighty God will meet you at your point of need. I would highly recommend this firm to anybody that needs Immigration Services.

    Margaret Muguku

    Desmond and his staff and absolutely fantastic and easy to work with.

    I would highly recommend Fitzgerald law company for all immigration needs. Desmond and his staff and absolutely fantastic and easy to work with.

    Joe Ryan

    I wouldn't hesitate to hire them if I needed to.

    My husband and I are going through the US immigration process through consular processing in Canada. We hit an unexpected hitch in our process, and we were panicked and seeking out attorneys who could advise us what was happening with my husband's case. This firm took my emotional call and talked me through where we were in our process, what the likely outcome and timeline was based on their past cases supported, etc. and talked through all the details of our case. We talked for a good 15-20 minutes and they didn't charge me a dime. I felt so re-assured by the end of the conversation that our case will resolve soon. We haven't gotten the visa issued just yet, but we're remaining hopeful and will be contacting this company again as soon as anything goes astray. I really appreciated their care for a potential client, considering how emotional and scary the process can be. I wouldn't hesitate to hire them if I needed to. Thank you again for taking my call, and explaining so much of the process to us. It's clear you take care of your clients, and this review felt like the least I could do as a thank you. We'll be in touch if we end up needing your services!


    They are excellent.

    Serious, dedicated work and provide all necessary explanations to the customer, they are excellent.

    Livia Liberato

    Amazing people, excellent service. Extremely professional.

    Amazing people, excellent service. Extremely professional. They helped me a lot and I will refer anyone who needs legal help to this law office!

    Ray T.

    I highly recommend this law firm

    My entire family and I have been working with FitzGerald Law Company for many years. Desmond and his team have never given up on us! I got my green card in 2018 and my parents got theirs this year! We are so happy :) we are just waiting on my sister now, but we know she is in great hands! Thank you so much! You have changed our lives for the better <3. I highly recommend this law firm if you are having any immigration problems. My parents Etleva and Kastriot send their deepest gratitude!

    Evjo Gjura

    This is the best immigration law office in Great Boston area.

    From experience, this is the best immigration law office in Great Boston area. Very satisfied with their work. No matter how difficult your case might be, if the team accepts working with you, you are in very good hands.

    Gleni Kajdo

    I really like that they speak so many languages and can help anyone!

    FitzGerald Law Company recently handled my immigration case for me and everything turned out great! The staff is excellent all the way from the secretary and assistant all the way up to the attorney. My attorney was Desmond Fitzgerald himself and he was excellent.

    Swarsatie R.

    They have been very supportive and professional

    My family and I have had an excellent experience with Desmond and his team at FitzGerald Law Company. They have been very supportive and professional, addressing our every concern. I feel fortunate to have found them and worked with them on my son's immigration case.

    Yoseph A.

    Highly recommend their services

    My husband and I reached out to FitzGerald Law Company, and we can only speak very highly of them. Very professional & reliable. I want to say big thanks to Desmond and Zrinka, who helped us throughout my immigration process. Highly recommend their services!

    Natasha A.

    They are on top of everything

    The Fitzgerald team is great and ready to help. They provide accurate information and never give a false picture of one’s situation. They are on top of everything and work with you. The team are very thorough at what they do. I would highly recommend their legal services.

    Patricia M.

    A very well organized firm, experienced and professional.

    My experience was exceptionally great. A very well organized firm, experienced and professional. Customer service was excellent and the lawyer that handled my case, Desmond Fitzgerald was the best. He was very thorough and very experienced. He knows what he's talking about. All in all, I had a positive experience and I highly recommend this company, especially Desmond Fitzgerald, he's awesome.

    Mike A.

    They helped me with a personal injury case

    Highly recommend Mr Desmond Fitzgerald and his team. They helped me with a personal injury case. He was realistic about outcomes and professional and came through for me.

    Garo M.

    Experienced, professional, and caring

    It was a great pleasure to have Mr. FitzGerald as my attorney. He was always there when I needed him. He is experienced, professional, and caring. I would recommend his services to anyone. I greatly appreciate what he did for me and would like to take the chance to express my gratitude to his hard work. Thank you very much Mr. FitzGerald. You'r the best...

    Ahmed B.

    Very professional and dedicated a lot of time to my case

    Very professional and dedicated a lot of time to my case...kept me in the know throughout the whole process. I definitely recommend FitzGerald Law Company to anyone looking for representation in a court case. Thank you Desmond and the entire team.

    James K.

    He explained things in a way that was easily understandable and things went smoothly

    Mr Desmond and his team did a remarkable job in immigration for my family and I. He explained things in a way that was easily understandable and things went smoothly. Highly recommended

    Gassim F.

    They made the process very smooth and pleasant

    Desmond and his team did a great job during my husband’s green card application. Very diligent, reliable and knowledgeable. They made the process very smooth and pleasant. Highly recommended!

    Karol S.

    The team is wonderful, efficient and very helpful/ professional

    The best lawfirm in Massachusetts. The team is wonderful, efficient and very helpful/ professional.

    Zulia O.

    They make the process as simple as possible

    Our experience with the FitzGerald Law Company is beyond positive. They make the process as simple as possible and are there to help and support the entire time. Everyone we've been in touch from their office was nice and helpful. We won the case and we would definitely use their services again. Thank you Juan & the team!

    Anonymous for Firm

    They put in a lot of time into my case all the while keeping me informed of any and all developments

    A very professional and committed team...They put in a lot of time into my case all the while keeping me informed of any and all developments. I definitely recommend FitzGerald Law Company to anyone seeking legal representation. Thank you Desmond and the entire team.

    Anonymous for Firm

    Highly recommend their services

    My husband and I reached out to FitzGerald Law Company, and we can only speak very highly of them. Very professional & reliable. I want to say big thanks to Desmond and Zrinka, who helped us throughout my immigration process. Highly recommend their services!

    Anonymous for Firm

    They are on top of everything

    The Fitzgerald team is great and ready to help. They provide accurate information and never give a false picture of one's situation. They are on top of everything and work with you. The team are very thorough at what they do. I would highly recommend their legal services.

    Anonymous for Firm

    I was very happy working with them and will be happy to work with them again

    The lawyer did an excellent job, it was really wonderful and inspiring to have him as a lawyer, he truly handled my case and everything went as expected. They always call or sent me an email to inform me the progress of my case, I am always feel welcomed when I meet with them. I was very happy working with them and will be happy to work with them again in the future.

    Anonymous for Firm

    I would definitely recommend Desmond and FitzGerald & Company to anyone looking for a professional, trustful immigration lawyer

    Desmond FitzGerald and his staff handles the daunting immigration legal paperwork with the utmost professionalism but always keeping the experience personal and realistic. I always felt that that I mattered. FitzGerald & Company has many payment options and they work with you to set up a payment plan which is affordable. {para}I would definitely recommend Desmond and FitzGerald & Company to anyone looking for a professional, trustful immigration lawyer.

    Anonymous for Firm

    Will be recommending FLC to our friends!

    We had a great experience with FitzGerald Law Company while applying for a permanent resident card. Attorney Desmond was knowledgeable and helpful throughout the confusing immigration process! Our legal assistant, Angie, was wonderful - very friendly, great communication and efficient. Will be recommending FLC to our friends!

    Jayne Procopio

    I will recommend them to my friends and family

    Excellent lawyers they do a great job i will recommend them to my friends and family they are very helpful they are always there to answer all your questions and concerns.

    Gerson Lemus

    They were attentive and helpful

    Zrinka and the team were fantastic, thoroughly the whole of the (very long) process they were attentive and helpful, and made the whole thing as smooth and painless as possible.

    Laurence Wilson

    I will forever be grateful for your service

    I used Fitzgerald Law Company for my complicated case . I personally worked with Attorney Desmond and Mrs. Zrinka. I must say that Desmond is very professional and caring. He knows the system and pays attention to all the details. The entire team is very knowledgeable, respectful and reliable. Thank you Desmond and Mrs. Zrinka for tirelessly working with me to the end. Through your support and dedication, I was granted the privilege of a green card. I will forever be grateful for your service and I pray that the Almighty God will meet you at your point of need. I would highly recommend this firm to anybody that needs Immigration Services.

    Margaret Muguku

    Desmond and his staff and absolutely fantastic and easy to work with.

    I would highly recommend Fitzgerald law company for all immigration needs. Desmond and his staff and absolutely fantastic and easy to work with.

    Joe Ryan

    I wouldn't hesitate to hire them if I needed to.

    My husband and I are going through the US immigration process through consular processing in Canada. We hit an unexpected hitch in our process, and we were panicked and seeking out attorneys who could advise us what was happening with my husband's case. This firm took my emotional call and talked me through where we were in our process, what the likely outcome and timeline was based on their past cases supported, etc. and talked through all the details of our case. We talked for a good 15-20 minutes and they didn't charge me a dime. I felt so re-assured by the end of the conversation that our case will resolve soon. We haven't gotten the visa issued just yet, but we're remaining hopeful and will be contacting this company again as soon as anything goes astray. I really appreciated their care for a potential client, considering how emotional and scary the process can be. I wouldn't hesitate to hire them if I needed to. Thank you again for taking my call, and explaining so much of the process to us. It's clear you take care of your clients, and this review felt like the least I could do as a thank you. We'll be in touch if we end up needing your services!


    They are excellent.

    Serious, dedicated work and provide all necessary explanations to the customer, they are excellent.

    Livia Liberato

    Amazing people, excellent service. Extremely professional.

    Amazing people, excellent service. Extremely professional. They helped me a lot and I will refer anyone who needs legal help to this law office!

    Ray T.

    I highly recommend this law firm

    My entire family and I have been working with FitzGerald Law Company for many years. Desmond and his team have never given up on us! I got my green card in 2018 and my parents got theirs this year! We are so happy :) we are just waiting on my sister now, but we know she is in great hands! Thank you so much! You have changed our lives for the better <3. I highly recommend this law firm if you are having any immigration problems. My parents Etleva and Kastriot send their deepest gratitude!

    Evjo Gjura

    This is the best immigration law office in Great Boston area.

    From experience, this is the best immigration law office in Great Boston area. Very satisfied with their work. No matter how difficult your case might be, if the team accepts working with you, you are in very good hands.

    Gleni Kajdo

    I really like that they speak so many languages and can help anyone!

    FitzGerald Law Company recently handled my immigration case for me and everything turned out great! The staff is excellent all the way from the secretary and assistant all the way up to the attorney. My attorney was Desmond Fitzgerald himself and he was excellent.

    Swarsatie R.

    They have been very supportive and professional

    My family and I have had an excellent experience with Desmond and his team at FitzGerald Law Company. They have been very supportive and professional, addressing our every concern. I feel fortunate to have found them and worked with them on my son's immigration case.

    Yoseph A.

    Highly recommend their services

    My husband and I reached out to FitzGerald Law Company, and we can only speak very highly of them. Very professional & reliable. I want to say big thanks to Desmond and Zrinka, who helped us throughout my immigration process. Highly recommend their services!

    Natasha A.

    They are on top of everything

    The Fitzgerald team is great and ready to help. They provide accurate information and never give a false picture of one’s situation. They are on top of everything and work with you. The team are very thorough at what they do. I would highly recommend their legal services.

    Patricia M.

    A very well organized firm, experienced and professional.

    My experience was exceptionally great. A very well organized firm, experienced and professional. Customer service was excellent and the lawyer that handled my case, Desmond Fitzgerald was the best. He was very thorough and very experienced. He knows what he's talking about. All in all, I had a positive experience and I highly recommend this company, especially Desmond Fitzgerald, he's awesome.

    Mike A.

    They helped me with a personal injury case

    Highly recommend Mr Desmond Fitzgerald and his team. They helped me with a personal injury case. He was realistic about outcomes and professional and came through for me.

    Garo M.

    Experienced, professional, and caring

    It was a great pleasure to have Mr. FitzGerald as my attorney. He was always there when I needed him. He is experienced, professional, and caring. I would recommend his services to anyone. I greatly appreciate what he did for me and would like to take the chance to express my gratitude to his hard work. Thank you very much Mr. FitzGerald. You'r the best...

    Ahmed B.

    Very professional and dedicated a lot of time to my case

    Very professional and dedicated a lot of time to my case...kept me in the know throughout the whole process. I definitely recommend FitzGerald Law Company to anyone looking for representation in a court case. Thank you Desmond and the entire team.

    James K.

    He explained things in a way that was easily understandable and things went smoothly

    Mr Desmond and his team did a remarkable job in immigration for my family and I. He explained things in a way that was easily understandable and things went smoothly. Highly recommended

    Gassim F.

    They made the process very smooth and pleasant

    Desmond and his team did a great job during my husband’s green card application. Very diligent, reliable and knowledgeable. They made the process very smooth and pleasant. Highly recommended!

    Karol S.

    The team is wonderful, efficient and very helpful/ professional

    The best lawfirm in Massachusetts. The team is wonderful, efficient and very helpful/ professional.

    Zulia O.

    They make the process as simple as possible

    Our experience with the FitzGerald Law Company is beyond positive. They make the process as simple as possible and are there to help and support the entire time. Everyone we've been in touch from their office was nice and helpful. We won the case and we would definitely use their services again. Thank you Juan & the team!

    Anonymous for Firm

    They put in a lot of time into my case all the while keeping me informed of any and all developments

    A very professional and committed team...They put in a lot of time into my case all the while keeping me informed of any and all developments. I definitely recommend FitzGerald Law Company to anyone seeking legal representation. Thank you Desmond and the entire team.

    Anonymous for Firm

    Highly recommend their services

    My husband and I reached out to FitzGerald Law Company, and we can only speak very highly of them. Very professional & reliable. I want to say big thanks to Desmond and Zrinka, who helped us throughout my immigration process. Highly recommend their services!

    Anonymous for Firm

    They are on top of everything

    The Fitzgerald team is great and ready to help. They provide accurate information and never give a false picture of one's situation. They are on top of everything and work with you. The team are very thorough at what they do. I would highly recommend their legal services.

    Anonymous for Firm

    I was very happy working with them and will be happy to work with them again

    The lawyer did an excellent job, it was really wonderful and inspiring to have him as a lawyer, he truly handled my case and everything went as expected. They always call or sent me an email to inform me the progress of my case, I am always feel welcomed when I meet with them. I was very happy working with them and will be happy to work with them again in the future.

    Anonymous for Firm

    I would definitely recommend Desmond and FitzGerald & Company to anyone looking for a professional, trustful immigration lawyer

    Desmond FitzGerald and his staff handles the daunting immigration legal paperwork with the utmost professionalism but always keeping the experience personal and realistic. I always felt that that I mattered. FitzGerald & Company has many payment options and they work with you to set up a payment plan which is affordable. {para}I would definitely recommend Desmond and FitzGerald & Company to anyone looking for a professional, trustful immigration lawyer.

    Anonymous for Firm