You May Qualify for a U Visa if You Are a Victim of Crime
May 5th, 2022
One of the aspects of life in the United States that tends to draw people to its shores is that it is safer to live here than in many other parts of the world. However, that does not mean that there is no crime in this country. Crime is still an issue with which the U.S. must grapple. There are many components to the fight against crime, including a fair and impartial judicial system, as well as, a properly trained police force. A component that does not receive the recognition it deserves is that of the involvement of the community itself: if a person is a victim of a crime, he or she should report the crime. In this way, not only does it become more likely that the perpetrator of the crime will be caught, but also that there may be less crime in the community as would-be criminals will see that their activity will be reported, so long as our system of justice works properly.
The team at FitzGerald Law Company understands the delicate situation that many undocumented immigrants face, and their very real fear of having any contact with the police. The Trump Administration’s reign of terror has only reinforced this fear. However, it remains important, perhaps more than ever, for undocumented immigrants to report any crimes of which they have been a victim. Not only will this show their desire to assist the government in enforcing the law, but it will also make our communities safer.
In addition, depending on the nature of the crime and the harm suffered by the immigrant, as well as their willingness to collaborate with the authorities, they may be eligible to apply for a U visa. USCIS is currently taking approximately 5 years to process petitions for U Nonimmigrant Status, but for many immigrants, the petition is the only option available because it permits USCIS to waive, or “forgive,” many grounds of inadmissibility that other petitions and applications do not. For example, a person who has been deported from the United States and then returned without permission is often very limited in their options to legalize their immigration status, but that person may be eligible for a U visa petition through an I-192 waiver.
As always, it is very important to have an experienced and knowledgeable immigration lawyer review the facts of a person’s case to determine whether he or she qualifies for an immigrant benefit, such as U Nonimmigrant Status. The team of FitzGerald Law Company has handled, and continues to handle, many U visa petitions, and is available during this difficult time to answer your questions.
If you, a friend or a family member have been a victim of a crime in the U.S. call our office today at (617) 303-2600 and schedule an initial consultation with one of our U Visa lawyers or request an appointment through our website. Our experienced trial attorneys are also able to help you with any criminal, immigration or personal injury matter.