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Boston Truck Accident Lawyers

With many trucks traveling on our roads and highways, truck accidents have become more common than ever. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration [1], 4,761 people were killed in truck accidents in 2017 alone. Nearly two-thirds of these fatalities involved tractor-trailers or similar combination long haul trucks. While we all depend upon trucks to bring us the goods and materials that we use every day, it is important to realize that trucks may be the most dangerous vehicles on the road.

Because of the severity of most truck accident injuries, it is imperative that, if you have been hurt in a truck accident, you contact an experienced Boston truck accident lawyer. An expert truck accident lawyer will evaluate your case and determine all the possible sources of negligence for which you may be compensated. The driver, the trucking company, or a manufacturer of the truck parts may be found negligent and may be held liable for your injuries. A skilled truck accident lawyer understands the laws that regulate the trucking industry and will help you get the best compensation settlement for you.

Common Causes of Truck Accidents in Boston

Carrying big loads of goods in a large truck across today’s highways is a tough job, and there are many things that can go wrong. All too often, a truck driver may be inexperienced or may not have been adequately trained. Drivers often have deadlines to meet and may drive for many hours at a time until they become overly fatigued. If a driver takes pills to stay awake or has had too much caffeine intake, this can impair judgment and cause bad decisions to be made. Speeding to reach a destination is a very common cause of serious truck accidents.

Poor weather conditions for driving and being unfamiliar with a stretch of road may also lead to a truck accident. It is important to remember that trucks need a lot more room to stop than do automobiles. A car needs about 306 feet to stop after applying the brakes, but a truck, like a tractor-trailer, needs 525 feet. Also, the faster a vehicle is going, the longer it takes to stop. If a truck is not properly loaded, this may also cause an accident because it affects steering and tire performance. Trucks and their related equipment are required to have regular inspections, and if a truck is poorly maintained, equipment failure can lead to an accident.

Types of Truck Accidents

There are many different types of trucks and large vehicles on the road today and each has the potential to cause a different type of accident.

Some trucks transport hazardous materials that can cause specific injuries and damage if the materials are released due to the accident.  Some trucks have detached cabins and some trailers which can be separated by an impact and cause damage if two different areas.  Thera are also single unit trucks and vans that may not require the driver to have a professional truck driving license, which creates different risks for an accident.

Truck Accident Injuries in Boston

Injuries that occur from a collision with large trucks are often serious and can be life-changing. Trucks have a lot more momentum than cars, and for that reason cars are no match for a truck on the road in a collision. Neck and spinal injuries that result in partial or total paralysis are not uncommon. This means that the injured party often cannot return to his or her job and will have a drastically altered quality of life. Fractures that require months to heal are also common in truck accidents and can mean extensive time without work.

When a truck is carrying a flammable liquid or when an engine is ruptured in a collision, burns or chemical damage may occur. These can lead to facial scarring, disfigurement, internal injuries, as well as a great deal of pain and suffering. There are emotional considerations after this type of accident as well, such as PTSD, or post-traumatic stress syndrome, that may last a lifetime and may require intensive treatment.

Types of Compensation Available in Boston

There are many types of compensation available for the victims of truck accidents, and an experienced accident lawyer can find all the resources for it.. A driver himself or a trucking company may be found negligent, and compensation may come from a settlement with their insurance companies or even from a related civil lawsuit. This can involve payment for medical and rehabilitation expenses, for changes that are made to the home such as wheelchair ramps, and for lost wages and/or occupational retraining.

Compensation may be obtained for pain and suffering related to a truck accident, if a driver or trucking company has been found to be liable.  Punitive damages may even be collected in some cases. The trucking industry is regulated by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, or FMCSA. If a trucker has been found to have violated the regulations of this administration, this is more evidence of negligence that can result in compensation.

Get Help from a Boston Truck Accident Lawyer

If you have been injured in a truck accident, it’s time to get help from a Boston truck accident lawyer. A truck accident can change your life and the lives of everyone close to you. The experienced legal team at the FitzGerald Law Company of Boston, Massachusetts understand the laws and regulations that control the trucking industry and can evaluate your case to find any and all negligence.

It’s important to call us right away after your accident so that we can deal with the insurance companies. They will try to offer you a settlement right away, but do not settle for a claim that is less than what you deserve. FitzGerald Law Company and its dedicated legal staff will work hard to get you the maximum amount of compensation for your injuries. Call us today at 617-303-2600 and let us guide you through this legal journey.

Frequently Asked Questions of Our Personal Injury Lawyers [2]

Success Stories – Personal Injury [3]

Process for a Personal Injury Claim as a Result of an Accident  [4]

Our Personal Injury Legal Fees [5]