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Boston Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

Those who ride motorcycles enjoy being close to nature and the freedom of feeling the wind and sunshine as they ride. However, there are drawbacks to riding motorcycles. Motorcycles provide much less protection to the rider than a car, which has safety devices like airbags and seatbelts designed to shield the driver in the event of a collision. Motorcycles have no outer body frame to protect the rider, and in an accident, the rider is vulnerable to contact with the road or to being thrown off the bike.

Accident statistics have shown that riding a motorcycle is much more dangerous than driving a car. While there is a twenty percent chance of accident injury or death from riding in a car, the chances of injury or death from riding a motorcycle are around eighty percent [1]. If you have been hurt in a motorcycle accident, it is important to learn about how a Boston motorcycle accident lawyer can help you. Motorcycle accident injuries are often serious, and those who are injured must focus on recovery, which can be lengthy and difficult. An experienced Boston motorcycle accident lawyer can deal with the insurance companies and can act as your legal advocate as you recover.

Causes of Boston Motorcycle Accidents

There are several relatively common causes of motorcycle accidents in Boston, and both those who ride motorcycles and those who drive automobiles should be familiar with them all. One common cause of these accidents is speeding. Drivers who are speeding are unable to stop as quickly when they suddenly see someone in their way. Those who ride motorcycles, as well as those who drive, should observe all speed limits.

Driving or riding under the influence of drugs or alcohol is another common cause of motorcycle accidents. Penalties for this offense are high and can cost a driver his freedom as well as steep fines.

Drivers of motorcycles who are inexperienced are also often the cause of accidents. All those who ride motorcycles should take a basic course in motorcycle safety. Bad weather conditions and dangerous road conditions are also common causes of motorcycle accidents. Potholes and cracked or damaged road pavement may cause a motorcycle to tip over or spin out of control.

Motorcycle Accident Injuries

Injuries that are sustained in motorcycle accidents are often very serious for the person on the motorcycle. With no exterior protection, the motorcyclist can be thrown off the bike and may suffer serious head or spinal cord injuries that can lead to a permanent disability.  Bone fractures are common and may take months to heal and can leave the motorcyclist in a cast or on crutches and unable to work for extended periods of time.

It is crucial that all who ride motorcycles wear a helmet. Helmets have been shown to prevent or at least reduce the severity of motorcycle head injuries. Traumatic brain syndrome from a motorcycle accident head injury can lead to a lifetime of pain and permanent alteration in cognitive ability, as well as the loss of the injured party’s ability to continue employment. Wearing a helmet also makes the motorcyclist look like a more responsible party if there is an accident, and a subsequent court dispute overcompensation.

Motorcycle Accident Frequently Asked Questions

There are a number of frequently asked questions that those who have been injured in a motorcycle accident often have. Some of these include:

Why Do I Need a Lawyer for a Motorcycle Accident?

If you have  been hurt in a motorcycle accident, you will be dealing with insurance companies who have entire staffs of lawyers whose job it is to keep the insurance company from having to pay anything or to pay the least amount of money to compensate you for your injuries. You will have to fill out paperwork with complex legal language and provide evidence in support of your claim.  Most of all you will be dealing with an insurance company that is looking out for their interests and not yours.

An experienced motorcycle accident lawyer understands these insurance companies and will be your advocate, fighting for your rights instead of theirs. This lawyer can be your voice as you deal with the treatment for your injuries and try to heal. A skilled lawyer can give you the legal advice you need to get you through this challenging process.

Call to Schedule a Consultation with a Boston Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Today

When you have been hurt in a motorcycle accident, contact an experienced Boston motorcycle accident lawyer today. The skilled legal staff at the FitzGerald Law Company of Boston, Massachusetts are ready to stand up for your rights and get you the compensation you need and deserve.

The experienced legal professionals at FitzGerald Law Company will investigate your motorcycle accident case to get all the facts and to find all sources of compensation to which you are entitled. Do not accept a settlement from an insurance company before contacting a personal injury lawyer. Call us today at 617-303-2600 [2] and let us provide you with legal advice you can trust.

Frequently Asked Questions of Our Personal Injury Lawyers [3]

Success Stories – Personal Injury [4]

Process for a Personal Injury Claim as a Result of an Accident  [5]

Our Personal Injury Legal Fees [6]