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Boston Bicycle Accident Attorneys

Those who ride bicycles are especially vulnerable in collisions with automobiles, and the injuries that they suffer are often serious. It can take months, or even years, to recover from these types of injuries, and this often means extensive costs for medical treatment and rehabilitation as well as lost income from time off work. Some injuries may even result in permanent disability or the loss of ability to perform one’s job going forward after the accident.

When this occurs, it can be overwhelming, and the injured party needs to focus on healing. Dealing with insurance companies can be adversarial and disheartening, and the goal of most insurance companies is to give you the smallest amount of compensation they can get away with. This is why it is important to learn how a Boston bicycle accident lawyer can help you. An expert bicycle accident lawyer can deal with the insurance companies for you and can be your legal advocate and voice.

City of Boston Bicycle Laws

When you are riding a bicycle in Boston, you are always one step ahead and less likely to have an accident if you follow the City of Boston bicycle laws [1]. Also, if you do have an accident, but have followed all bicycle laws, you are less likely to be held partially responsible for the accident and may recover a greater amount of compensation for your injuries.

When biking in Boston, riders must follow all of the same traffic laws and signs as motor vehicles, such as to stop at traffic lights and signals. Cyclists generally must ride in the same direction as traffic unless a sign says otherwise. Hand signals should be used when possible to show turns. A bell may be used for signaling but not a whistle or siren. Packages or other articles should be carried in a basket or similar container. Bicycles must have a white light on the front of the bike that can be seen from at least 500 feet and must also have a red light or reflector on the back. Even though not required by law, all bicyclists should wear a helmet, as this prevents many kinds of serious head injuries.

Bike Accident Common Causes

In the city of Boston, there are many potential causes of bike accidents. Lack of a bicycle lane causes cyclists to ride in areas that are less than safe. Streets that are crowded during rush hours and that have spaces for parallel parking in the street are often accidents waiting to happen. Drivers of cars that are parallel parked may suddenly open doors as a cyclist is approaching, causing the cyclist and driver to collide.

With today’s fascination with digital devices like smartphones and iPads, drivers of cars are also often distracted and simply do not see a bicyclist until it is too late. Those who ride bicycles must always be on the lookout for drivers who are simply not paying attention. Bicyclists must also take care to obey the traffic laws, such as stopping for red lights, not riding into oncoming traffic, and not using cell phones

Common Bicycle Accident Injuries

Bike accident injuries are often severe and involve months of recovery. Some can even be life-altering or can cause permanent disability or death. Those who ride bicycles lack the kind of protection that a car affords, with an outer body, airbags, seatbelts and other safety devices. The cyclist is completely exposed to the road.

Some of the more common bicycle injuries are head injuries like concussions or traumatic brain injuries, facial injuries and abrasions, bone fractures, or spinal cord injuries that may result in paralysis. There can also be injuries that cause scarring of the face or other exposed parts of the body and can cause permanent disfigurement. It takes months for a fracture to properly heal, and this can involve a great deal of time off work with lost wages. Severe injuries such as traumatic brain or spinal cord trauma can mean that a person may be unable to return to his or her job and can also mean a lifetime of expenses for medical care.

What You Must Do After a Bike Accident

After being involved in a bicycle accident, the first thing to do is to seek medical attention. Even if the injury seems minor, it is important to see a doctor because some types of injuries, like concussions, don’t show symptoms at first but may result in symptoms a few days later that may be more serious. Keep the record of the doctor’s visit, and document all details related to the accident. It may be important to get their contact information of witnesses or third parties and take photos of the scene and injuries.

It is also important to contact a bike accident lawyer as soon as possible. Don not speak with the insurance companies yourself. Let the bicycle lawyer be your voice and do the talking for you. The insurance companies will try to offer you a settlement that is usually less than what you deserve. That is why it is important to let an experienced personal injury lawyer deal with them.

Injured in a Bicycle Accident? We Can Help

If you have been injured in a bicycle accident, the experienced personal injury lawyers at the FitzGerald Law Company of Boston, Massachusetts can help. After your injury, you need to focus on healing and trying to move forward with your life. The professional legal staff at FitzGerald Law Company will thoroughly investigate your case to determine who was negligent and who contributed most to the accident causing your injury. We’ll notify those who need to know about the claim and will deal with the insurance companies for you while you heal.

Be sure to call us as soon as possible after the accident. In Massachusetts, the statute of limitations for filing a personal injury claim is generally three years (with some exceptions to the rule). The sooner you hire a lawyer to represent you, the better. FitzGerald Law Company is dedicated to fighting for your rights and will get you the maximum amount of compensation you are entitled to in these types of cases. Call us at 617-303-2600 [2] and let us be your legal advocates today.